Admissions Overview
The criteria for admissions is set by the governing body following guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Southwark and government legislation concerning admissions to church schools. Responsibility for admissions rests with the school governors. Applications from all faiths and none are welcome.
Reception Class Admissions 2025/2026
St Osmund’s Catholic Primary School is an academy school within the Christ the Redeemer Catholic Education Trust in the Archdiocese of Southwark. It is a one-form entry school providing up to 210 places for pupils between the ages of 4 and 11. Christ the Redeemer Catholic Education Trust is the admissions authority and has delegated responsibility for admissions to the governors of the school. The local authority undertakes the co-ordination of admission arrangements during the normal admission round. The governing body has set its admission number at 30 pupils for the Reception year in the school year which begins in September 2025 for children born between 1st September 2020 and August 31st 2021. Outcomes will be advised on 16th April 2025. If you are applying under a faith criterion, you should complete and return to the school office a supplementary information form (see below) together with any supporting document.
NB: You must complete a Common Application Form (CAF) to your home local authority on or before 15th January 2025. This can be done online via your home local authority website (search for school admissions).
The admissions policy can be downloaded by clicking the link below. If you intend applying under a faith criterion, you will need to complete and return to the school a supplementary information form (SIF) together with any supporting documents. The SIF can be downloaded using the link below and should be returned to the school. If you are applying for any current year group, you should applying the in year application form.
Waiting list for the 2024/25 Reception Class
There is a waiting list for current Reception class. If you were offered a school place with a lower priority than St Osmund's, you will automatically be on the waiting list. If places become available, they will be offered to children on the waiting list with priority being applied as per the school admissions policy.
If you wish to apply and be placed on the waiting list, please contact the school office directly. The policy and supplementary forms for the current year can be downloaded using the links below
In Year Admissions
For In-year admissions, please complete and return an In Year Admissions Application Form (see below). You can contact the school office for assistance (020 8748 3582)
Additional Information
For information regarding admission statistics for the past three years please see the document below.
For further information on admissions please contact the school office. (information being updated).