Secondary Transfer
Please use the link below, to view our Leavers Destinations.
Year 6 leavers destinations 2020
Year 6 leavers destinations 2021
Year 6 leavers destinations 2022
Children born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 are due to start year 7 at secondary school in September 2023. The closing date for applying for a year 7 place is 31 October 2022.
How to Apply
If you live within the borough you need to apply online for your child’s secondary school place using the eAdmissions website. If you live out of borough, please visit your home authority website.
Application outcome
- If you have applied online you will be sent an email during the evening of 1 March 2023 to tell you the outcome of your application. The availability of results for viewing will be staggered to assist demand, so precise timings cannot be guaranteed. You will also be able to view this information by logging in to the eAdmissions website.
- Use the eAdmissions website to tell us if you wish to accept or refuse the school place your child has been offered. Submitting your response online guarantees that the school knows your decision.
- If your child did not qualify for a place at your first preference school, you will also be sent a letter by first class post, with more information about the process and what to do next.
- If you applied on a paper form, a letter containing the outcome will be sent to parents/carers by first class post on 1 March 2023.
- Please use the reply slip sent with your letter to tell us if you wish to accept or refuse the school place your child has been offered. The deadline to do this is 16 March 2023. Returning your reply by the deadline guarantees that the school knows your decision.
Your right to appeal
You have a legal right to appeal against a decision not to offer your child a place at any or all of the schools that you've applied to. You can appeal for a place at your preferred school even though your child may have a place somewhere else.
The process
The admissions authority for the school you're applying to must explain why your child hasn't been offered a place at that school. They must also explain how you can appeal against this decision. Your appeal will be heard by a panel which is independent of the school and the admissions authority whose decision you're appealing against. You have the right to attend the hearing to explain your case to the independent appeal panel.There are strict rules around the appointment of the appeal panel members to ensure their impartiality and independence. The panel's decision has to be accepted by the admissions authority and the school.
You may find it helpful to read the guidelines on the appeal process on the admission appeals page.
For the appeals timetable for any academy, free, or voluntary aided school, please contact the school directly.