Governor Information
Andrew Cole
Governor Type: Foundation Governor, Chair of the Governing Body
Term of Office: 19.12.23 - 19.12.26
Committee: Sits on all committees
Andrew was formerly Chair of the Governing Body of Saint Richard Reynolds Catholic College. He was the first governor of the College to be appointed by Cardinal Vincent Nichols. He is a member of Richmond Council Education Scrutiny Committee and former deputy Chair of the Admissions Forum; and Trustee of the Sisters of Charity of St Louis. He has over twenty years' experience as school governor. He is a parishioner of St Osmund's, where he is a Master of Ceremonies. Andrew was previously a Governor of St Osmund's for 10 years and Chair of Governors for 9 of those years.
Andrew was made a Knight of the Order of Pope St Gregory the Great by His Holiness Pope Francis in 2014. His two children attended St Osmund's many years ago.
Carmel Blackie
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Term of Office: .06.01.24 to 06.01.28
Committee: Stewardship
Responsible for: Safeguarding, Behaviour, Admissions, Inclusion Diversity & Equality
Carmel is an Associate Professor of Primary Health Care at Kingston University and St George's University of London. Both Carmel's children were educated at St Osmund's. With a professional background as a Health Visitor, Carmel brings a wealth of experience of Early Years child development. She has previous experience as a governor at a local Catholic Primary School with responsibility for Admissions and Safeguarding.
Dominic J S Clark
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: Diocese of Southwark
Term of Office: 24.11.23 - 24.11.27
Committee: Finance & Premises
Responsible for: Health and Safety and Buildings Maintenance, CPD
An ex-pupil, and now parent of three St Osmund's children since 2008, I have been a Governor since 2011. I have spent much of my life in various locations abroad initially as the child of a BBC foreign correspondent, and later in my career in industry. I have been a house-husband since 2001.
Father Oladele Craig
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: Ex Officio
Term of Office: 20.05.2024-19.05.2028
Committee: Stewardship
Responsible for: Religious Education, Community and Parish Engagement
Father Ola studied Canon Law at the Pontifical University of Santa Cruz in Rome before being appointed in April 2024 as Parish Priest of St Osmund's Church.
Margaret Fitzsimons
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: Diocese of Southwark
Term of office: 1.02.2024-1.02.2028
Committee: Teaching & Learning
Margaret has lived in Barnes for many years and her three sons attended St Osmunds school between 2000 and 2014. The school gave the boys a happy and secure start in life and many family friends were made. Margaret attends St Osmund's Church and regularly gets involved in parish activities. She is also a lover of sport and enjoys watching rugby and still turns out for Barnes Hockey Club occasionally.
Margaret has a business background having worked all her career in industry (manufacturing and distribution) in UK and Europe.
Michelle Lunney
Governor Type: Ex officio Head Teacher
Appointed by: Ex officio
Term of Office: Ex officio
Emma Walsh
Governor Type: Staff Governor
Term of Office: 19.2.21 - 19.2.25
Committee: Teaching and Learning
Class: Emma is the Reception Class teacher and SENDCo. She is also PHSE and Art Lead within the school.
Katrina Polaski
Governor Type: Honorary Governor
Appointed by: Elected by the governing body
Term of Office: 18.1.21 – 17.1.25
Committee: Teaching and Learning, Stewardship
Katrina was a parent at the school for 8 years. She has been a class representative, treasurer of the PTFA and classroom assistant at the school. Katrina is a qualified accountant and holds an MBA from INSEAD. She also assists with the children's liturgy at St Osmund's Catholic Church.
Sister Josephine Goggin
Governor Type: Foundation Governor and Vice-chair
Appointed by: Diocese of Southwark
Term of Office: 17.02.2024-17.02.2028
Committee: Teaching and Learning
I was born I Cork in Ireland but all my secondary and university education took place in England. Having qualified as a teacher at Digby Stuart College I went on to major in history with the Open University and subsequently did my MA in Educational Management at the University of Surrey.
I joined the Sisters of Charity of St Louis in the 1960s and I have been a Sister of Charity of St Louis for over 50 years.
I taught in four different primary schools over period of 39 years. I was head teacher for 29 of these years in three of the schools. They were very different in size, composition and location. One was a small one form Catholic primary in the West Country; the second a two form inner city Catholic primary and finally a two and half form Catholic primary in Tolworth.
On retirement, at the request of the Diocesan Education Director, I did three months voluntary work at the Diocesan Schools Commission where the focus of my work was supporting schools in difficulties.
Currently, I am based in our community at East Sheen. I manage the Charitable Trust of the Sisters of Charity of St Louis, help with the Confirmation preparation programme and help care for older members of the community.
Clare Hagan
Governor Type: Foundation Governor
Appointed by: Diocese of Southwark
Term of Office: 25.05.2022-25.05.2026
Committee: Teaching & Leanring
Clare is a qualified solicitor and practised in the City for many years before having children. She now works part-time in the St Osmund’s school library. Her two sons attended St Osmund’s school between 2009 and 2018. As a former parent and member of staff, Clare takes pride in seeing the school thrive. Clare assists with children’s liturgy at St Osmund’s Church and is keen to promote and maintain the strong links between school and parish.
Emmanuel Waigo
Governor Type: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Elected by Parents
Term of Office: 21.10.2020-20.10.2024
Committee: Resources and Stewardship
I am a father of two, and I work as an IT Consultant in insurance technology. I am passionate about education and keen to support the school in setting ambitious targets to achieve ever higher standards, and provide spiritual, holistic all-round development for students.
As a local parent of African descent and someone that is keen to develop strong links with the community, I feel I can help bring diversity and community inclusion to the role of governor.
![]() | Robert Knight Governor Type: Local Authority Appointed by: Richmond upon Thames Council Term of Office: 06.12.2021-05.12.2025 Committee: Finance and Premises Rob is a director of a construction and property consultancy. His three children all attended St Osmund's.
Helen Frostick Governor Type: Co-opted Appointed by: Governing Body Term of Office: 10.07.2023-09.07.2027 Committee: Stewardship Helen was deputy head of the school before becoming head of St Mary Magdalen in Mortlake. She joined the board of St Osmund's following her retirement in 2023. She is also a Catholic Schools Inspectorate senior inspector.