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Inspection Reports

Please find below our most recent report from the Catholic Schools Inspectorate, who visited on the 7th and 8th December 2023. The school received an OUTSTANDING judgement in all areas.


'Pupils are excellent ambassadors for Catholic education. They are proud of belonging to this loving and genuinely happy Catholic family.'


'Behaviour in all areas of the school is exemplary as a result of profoundly effective pastoral care'


'Teachers... are very committed to their pupils and know them well. They are effective in ensuring pupils are happy, confident learners by promoting a culture of praise and encouragement. This motivates all pupils to be the best they can be at all times'.

CSI Inspection Report

Please find below our most recent Ofsted Inspection Report, which took place in July 2019


'The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school'

There is 'high pupil engagement' and 'pupils value the support of their teachers.'
