Year 6
Summer Pre-Learning Tasks
SATs Week - Sporty Breakfast

In keeping with our annual tradition, Year 6 enjoyed an early morning game of rounders followed by a hearty breakfast of cereal, toast and yoghurt with berries and honey, to help prepare them for their end of KS2 assessments. Taking in the freah air and admiring our local wildlife certainly helped to put any nerves at ease. Well done Year 6, you took on every test with a calm, confident and assured manner.
Frank Bowling - Artist Study

Art inspired by Frank Bowling

Summer Term Topic River and Newsletter
Easter Pre-learning Tasks
The Way of the Cross

Junior Citizenship, Holly Lodge

Cycling Proficiency

Pancake Party
Science - electricity

Science - diffusion

World Book Day
Trip to the Olympic

Swimming Gala

Spring Pre-learning Tasks
Healthy Mind and Body Week

The Year 6 Curriculum Council and House Captains helped to organsise Healthy Mind and Body Week. We enjoyed Wake and Shake every morning to help us get ready for our lessons and reinforce the importance of daily exercise. Other activities included a skipping workshop, where we learned how to perform the 'pretzel', a PE lesson with reception buddies and an afternoon focused on how to make some healthy snacks. Year 6 made guacaomole, carrot and beetroot salad and a roasted pepper and butternut squash salad.
Three house captains introduced yoga sesssions for every year group at break time and we rounded off the week with our reception buddies and a mini-marathon. Good habits formed that will hopefully last a lifetime.
Spring Newsletter & Topic Web
Advent Fundraising

Our Year 6 pupil council reps lead our Advent fundraising for Sponsorstars, a charity that helps children across the country reach their goals and achieve their potential. They sold stars and home made cakes to the school and local community every morning and lunch time during the last week of the autumn term. Well done for raising £205.
St Anne's house captains proudly lifted the House Cup for the most house points earned in the autumn term. Who will be victorious next term?
Advent in Year 6

Year 6 lead the KS2 Advent Service with their Christingle procession. They also made a living Advent calendar, which encouraged the congregation, to think about what they could do to help prepare for Christmas. They made suggestions such as spending more time with family and friends and donating to our local food bank in Barnes.
Odd Socks Day in Year 6

The theme of Anti-Bullying Week this year was 'Make a Noise' and Year 6 kicked off the week with Odd Socks Day. This is one way to symbolise and celebrate what makes us all unique.
Trip to the Imperial War Museum

Year 6 became documentary makers for the day at the Imperial War Museum. We started off the morning exploring the First World War Gallery, where we learnt about trench life. In the afternoon, we worked in small groups and found different artefacts in the Second World War Gallery that provided a source of information for the pupils to report on. We definitely have some budding journalists in our class.
We also managed a short visit to St George's Cathedral, where we lit some candles and prayed, and we were fortunate to view the new National Shrine of St Oscar Romero.
Trip to the RAF Museum

Year 6 had a wonderful time at the RAF Museum in Hendon. Taking part in a Battle of Britain workshop they were able to learn about the courageous pilots, the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) and air crafts such as the Supermarine Spitfire, the Hawker Hurricane and the Avro Lancaster.
Remembrance in Year 6