Religious Education

At St Osmund’s Religious Education is at the core of our curriculum. The governors, head teacher and staff work diligently to create an environment where high expectations and pastoral care enable pupils to fulfil their academic, spiritual, moral and physical potential. Religious Education is ‘central to the curriculum of the Catholic school and is at the heart of Catholic education.’ (Religious Education Curriculum Directory p.3). We place Religious Education at the core of our curriculum to fulfill our mission to educate the whole child in discerning the meaning of their existence.
At St Osmund’s, Religious Education is treated as an academic discipline with the same systematic demands and rigour as our other core subjects. It is taught through individual lessons but is also interwoven through other aspects of our curriculum. ‘The presentation of the Christian message influences the way in which, for example, the origins of the world, the sense of history, the basis of ethical values, the function of religion in culture, the destiny of the human person, and our relationship with nature, are understood.’ (Religious Education Curriculum Directory p.4).
Our aim is to create religiously literate pupils who can engage in a fully informed critique of all knowledge, “leading, for example, to an understanding of the relationship between science and religion or history, and between theology, sport and the human body.” (Religious education Curriculum Directory p.4) Our pupils have a strong sense of social justice and are proactive in their support of charities. They often organise and publicise their own fund-raising events.