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The Governors Fund – what is it?

As a Voluntary Aided Catholic school, St Osmund’s is not fully funded by the state and we rely very much on voluntary donations to the fund from parents, carers and friends of the school to make up part of our school budget, especially for the maintenance and improvement of our buildings and facilities for which the governors are responsible. The governors fund exists largely for this purpose and has recently covered for repairs to the boilers, tree management, redecoration of the hall, lighting and roof repairs, and there is much still to do. We are also blessed with a very active PTFA which helps fund specific projects, notably playground development and our wonderful library.


The governors are hugely grateful for the generosity of parents, carers and friends who contribute to the governors fund and to the generations before us who helped to build and maintain our school buildings and grounds. If you are not currently contributing to the fund,  a very practical way of supporting your child’s education is to make, as many families do, a regular donation to our governors’ fund. Some are able to donate significant sums, others more modest amounts, the amount you give is entirely up to you and your circumstances, but every donation makes a difference and helps to maintain and improve the educational experience of your children especially at this time when school budgets are under great pressure.


How to donate

Thank you to all who donate to the governors fund and,  if you are not already contributing to the fund, we would be very grateful if you would consider doing so. There is a digital giving device in the school reception area , an online giving page (link above) to make it easier to donate. You can also make a one-off, monthly or annual donation by standing order or bank transfer. The account details are: Governors Maintenance Fund. Sort Code: 60-01-39.  No: 47064730


St Osmund’s is a registered charity so, If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation by making a Gift Aid declaration which allows the school to claim 25p for every pound you donate. Forms are available from the school office or below.


