Year 5
And so we come to the end of another half term and what a half term it has been! We certainly have been busy between lots of learning, a visit to the Natural History Museum and of course our amazing residential trip to Juniper Hall. I hope you have a restful week off, and come back ready to work hard for the final half term of year 5! As always, it will be busy with production rehearsals, sports day and much more. As always, I am so proud of how hard you have worked.
Juniper Hall

Juniper Hall Information
Summer topic river and newsletter
Summer 1 pre-learning task
Congratulations on completing your second term of year 5! What a busy term it has been. Have an amazing rest and I will see you all on April 15th when we start the summer term. There is so much to look forward to from trips to productions and everything in between,
Spring 2 pre-learning
During healthy mind and body week year 5 were busy with many different activities. We enjoyed learning about seasonal fruit and vegetables and used this information to cook a delicious vegetable soup. The class also thoroughly enjoyed the skipping workshop which came to school and have been practising their skipping skills ever since with the new skipping ropes the school has been gifted with. Some of the year 6 house captains led break time yoga classes which many of the class availed of which they also enjoyed. All pupils enjoyed the different activities and have learned some new skills which has been fantastic to see!

Healthy Mind and Body Week

It is hard to believe that the first half term of year 5 is complete! I am so proud of all of the pupils as they have worked extremely hard already. Furthermore, I am delighted to see how well our new pupils have settled in to St Osmund's. I hope you all have a safe and restful break and I look forward to spending autumn 2 with you all.
Autumn 2 pre-learning tasks
Curriculum Evening
Welcome to year 5! I am so excited for the year ahead with you all! We have already had a fantastic few days back getting to know one another!